4 Things You Should Know About Teaching English Abroad

Perhaps you’ve made the decision to teach English abroad. You’ve done all the research, found a great program, and decided in the country that is right for you. While you may be experiencing the feeling of excitement and maybe even a bit a hesitation, let’s face it – there’s no perfect way to prepare for your next experience.

Here are four things you should know about teaching English abroad.

Don’t Expect a Miracle Overnight

Teaching ESL is incredibly rewarding, but it can also be challenging. Don’t expect your students to automatically pick of the fluency in English by the second class. Remember, your goal is to have students leave the room with a better understanding of learning English than when they entered.

It’ll Be Easy to Get Sick

Even if you are the type never to get sick, traveling always find a way to wreak havoc on the immune system. The change of diet, schedules and climate will all contribute to getting ill, so be sure to stay ahead of it and pace yourself.


You Will Also Learn

You will be sure to face unexpected challenges that you never thought would happen as well as adventures you couldn’t have imagined. With that said, it is a better idea to be prepared as much as possible by expecting the worse and welcoming the best experiences abroad.

You Won’t Get Rich Teaching English Abroad

Teaching English overseas may not pay as well as other jobs, but you will grow rich in adventure and experience. Keep in mind that while you might not make as much as you would in the U.S., the cost of living is usually cheaper. This means you can still have savings if you learn to live within your means. For most people, teaching abroad isn’t about the money but rather the opportunity to explore a new country and help others learn.

You’re about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. Be aware of your surroundings and enjoy every minute of your experience. Embrace the unexpected and learn all you can as you teach others the gift of language.

Top 3 Places to Teach English Abroad

While most teachers aren’t exactly in it for the money, many are turning to teaching English abroad to make a decent living while doing so. As not all countries are the same, some regions pay very little while others like Asia and the Middle East compensate fair wages.

Here are the top five places to teach English abroad.

1. Japan


Japan offers an excellent mixture of history, beauty, culture and cuisine. With one of the best markets for ELS teachers, you can save nearly $700 a month after housing expenses. Here you can visit Tsukiji Market, the largest fish market in the world.

2. China


From the imperial palace of the Forbidden City to the 250 mile-per-hour trains, China offers a wealth of culture and experience. Over 400 students are studying English every year. ESL teachers can earn anywhere from $500-$2,000 a month after housing expenses. You can discover the treasures of one of the earth’s oldest civilizations.

3. Gulf of Arab States


The Gulf of Arab States includes the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar, all of which are rich in oil and desire to become top players in the political and economic areas. As a result, ESL teachers are in demand with many beneficial packages and an attractive salary to go along with it.

However, due to the small number of opportunities (compared to the European and Asian market, ESL jobs can be quite competitive and require a professional background in education. Salaries range from nearly $2,000 – $5,000 a month – tax-free! Many companies provide benefits including health insurance, furnished housings, and flights that are compensated.

Remember that all countries have different requirements. With a bit of luck research and education, you can set yourself up for an excellent salary while experiencing an entirely new culture.